There are many different types of publications. Determine the type of publication you want the story to appear. Will it be in:

            A daily paper

            A weekly paper

            A local or large urban paper

A Rotary publication

A publication in your community


Next, prepare a media list that includes:

A list of contact(s) for each publication - update the list as needed

Where or to whom should you send the press release?

When is the deadline? It may be different for different parts of the

 same paper.

What kinds of news will the media publish?

What type of photographs will be accepted?


Then, when you contact a reporter about a news story:

Tell the story concisely

Sell the story

Educate the reporter to the value of the story

Be prepared to answer questions

Accept no for an answer


Develop Credibility and trust - if you say you will do it, do it. Knowing the difference between media relations and media notification is often the difference between seeing your story in print and getting no media attention.