The Challenge:  Since March 2020, our country has been going through many challenges due to COVID 19.  In addition to its medical impact, we have seen its serious effects on the day to day living, financial and emotional wellbeing of people.
We would like to cite a unique challenge faced by the elementary school students at Sunny Hill School within Barrington School District 220.  Ms. Lori Ford, Enrichment Instructional Specialist at Sunny Hill, brought the challenge to our attention.  She wrote:
“Due to the implications of COVID-19, our students are currently distance learning from home, and will remain in this capacity for some of their instruction, even with the hybrid learning model (starting October 19th). While District 220 is a 1:1 educational institution with technology for each student (iPads), it has become apparent that our students at Sunny Hill Elementary need additional tools for their learning to be as effective as possible in this unique situation. Bluetooth keyboards, specifically for our 3-5 grade students, are typically available to students in the school setting and especially useful for word processing.” 
The Solution:  The Youth Service Committee of the Barrington Breakfast Rotary Club responded to this challenge by providing funds for the purchase of 185 Bluetooth compatible keyboards for the 3-5 graders at Sunny Hill at a cost of about $3,700.  We commend Lori for recognizing the need and coming up with the solution.  The keyboards have been purchased and distributed through classroom teacher “supply pick-ups”.  To facilitate prompt connectivity, each keyboard box has been labeled with a QR code that is linked to an English or Spanish instructional video that explains connecting the keyboard to the student’s iPad.   Please see the sample video in English:  
The Testimonial:  Dr. Cynthia Armendariz-Maxwell, Sunny Hill Principal acknowledged the gift by stating:  “Due to your generous philanthropy our students will now be able to maintain the support from this academic tool while engaged in distance learning.”
Barrington Breakfast Rotary Club has been providing continuing support to the Sunny Hill School students for a number of years.