International Service Home Page
Rotary District 6440 International Service
Rotary District 6440 International Service
The Clubs in Rotary District 6440 are actively involved in this avenue of service and many of the projects coordinated by a club or a group of clubs are open to other Clubs and Rotarians in the District to participate in, either in a hands-on fashion or through financial support, or a combination of both.
Whether a Rotarian is looking for ideas on possible projects or is looking for projects that are looking for partnerships, the information is out there!
Click on the International Service link to access information on completed service projects as well as service
projects that are being planned.
District 6440 Rotary Friendship Exchange
From an organizational standpoint, Rotary Friendship Exchanges (RFE) is a component of International Service. RFE’s An exchange can be the starting point for a long-term international relationship between clubs.
Participants often use their new friendships as the basis for partnering on service projects that create lasting change. Exchanges also offer unique chances for cultural immersion and interchange. Some incorporate educational opportunities for professionals of any age to build global understanding and boost vocational and leadership skills. They can include cultural experiences, vocational activities, fellowship opportunities, and
much more.
Click on the Rotary Friendship Exchange link to access additional information on RFE’s as well as templates that can be used for planned exchanges.
For more information on Rotary District 6440 International Service projects:
Robert Steinberg, International Service Advisor
Phone: (847) 650-3668