Humanitarian Grants
TRF Terms & Conditions
TRF Club Memo of Understanding
Rotary Grants Resources
Grant Management Seminar
DDF Eligibility
District Grants
Global Grants
Global Grant Resources Available at
Rotary Foundation Scholarships
Rotary Peace Fellowships
Background & History of Grants



Important Grant Links:


Grants Overview


The Rotary Foundation offers Rotarians two grant types: District and Global.

District Grants

A District Grant funds a short-term project, either local or international, that supports The Rotary Foundation's mission.  Clubs submit their funding requests to the district, which administers and distributes the funds.

The documents, downloadable using the links at the left side of this page, define the policies and procedures in District 6440:

  • District Policies
  • District Grants FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • District Grant Quick Reference Guide

Global Grants

 Global grants fund large-scale projects and activities that

  • Align with an Area of Focus
  • Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified
  • Include the active participation of the benefiting community
  • Are designed to enable the community to help itself after the Rotary club or district has concluded its work
  • Have measurable results

 Activities funded by global grants include:

Humanitarian projects address community needs by providing sustainable, measurable outcomes in the benefiting community.

Vocational training builds skills within a community by offering local training or by supporting groups of professionals traveling abroad for rigorous study on their profession or to teach local professionals about a particular field. This type of training may be most effective in conjunction with a humanitarian project.

Scholarships fund study by graduate students whose career goals support an Area of Focus.

When a club identifies a Global Grant project opportunity, a member should contact the District 6440 Global Grants Committee at to discuss the procedures and to get the benefit of coaching to facilitate the application process.  All applications require authorization by the District Leadership before they can be submitted.  Applicants will benefit from referring to the Global Grant offline preparation guide posted at the left side of this page.  Global Grant applications may be submitted at any time.

The Grants Committee must review the financing aspects of the grant and facilitate approval of DDF before such an authorization can be granted.  The District Designated Fund (DDF) Resource Guide posted at the left side of this page will be updated periodically.  It provides clubs with the status of their DDF matching funds for the current year and it is useful for Global Grant project applicants to identify clubs with available DDF.

District 6440 policies that apply to Global Grants are included in the policies document listed in the downloadable documents associated with this page.     


Differences Between District and Global Grants

In general, projects funded by Global Grants are larger and give clubs and districts more responsibility for managing the grant funds, reporting on how they are used, and monitoring and evaluating project outcomes.

District Grant

Global Grant

Supports the mission of The Rotary Foundation

Supports an area of focus

Minimum budget of >$0

Minimum budget of US$30,000

Short-term impact

Long-term, sustainable impact

Can support scholars pursuing any level of study, locally or internationally

Can support scholars pursuing graduate-level study internationally

Active Rotarian involvement

Active Rotarian involvement

Adheres to the grant terms and conditions

Adheres to the grant terms and conditions


Measurable outcomes


 Club Qualification

Qualification assures The Rotary Foundation that your club has the proper financial and stewardship controls in place to successfully manage grant funds. Grant management encompasses everything from selecting projects and activities to applying for a grant to ensuring proper stewardship of funds to evaluating and reporting grant outcomes.

District 6440 clubs must be qualified each Rotary year in order to apply for any Rotary Foundation grant. To complete the qualification process, a club must

1.     Have the president-elect or a designated club representative attend a Grant Management Seminar

2.     Read and agree to the club memorandum of understanding and submit a copy signed by the club president and president-elect to the district.

3.     To maintain qualified status, a club must abide by the terms of the club MOU and the grant terms and conditions. The MOU is an agreement between a club and its district explaining the minimum Foundation requirements for managing grants.

Questions? Contact the District 6440 Grants Committee at