Learn About Interact Clubs in District 6440

Interact is an international organization of service that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship, and promotes international understanding and peace. The name “Interact” was created by combining the words “international” and “action.”
Sponsored by Rotary Clubs, Interact clubs are for youth ages 12-18, and can be associated with a school or a community. Interact club members have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world. Every Interact club organizes at least two service projects a year: one that benefits their community and one that encourages international understanding.
While Interact clubs receive guidance from their sponsoring Rotary Clubs, they govern and support themselves.
HOW DO I JOIN AN INTERACT CLUB?First, ask your friends or a guidance counselor if there’s already an Interact club at your school. Look online for local Interact clubs in your community. You can also contact a local Rotary club to find out if they
sponsor an Interact club.
Interact clubs meet at least twice a month. Contact the club to find out about its next meeting, service project, or social event.